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  • While virtually the entire world has finally aligned on isolating Iran -- including, even, Russia and Gulf states -- Turkey is obstinately holding out.

    What's Going On With Turkey? 2010

  • While virtually the entire world has finally aligned on isolating Iran -- including, even, Russia and Gulf states -- Turkey is obstinately holding out.

    What's Going On With Turkey? 2010

  • While virtually the entire world has finally aligned on isolating Iran -- including, even, Russia and Gulf states -- Turkey is obstinately holding out.

    What's Going On With Turkey? 2010

  • About half of them emigrate to find work every year, mostly to India, the Gulf states, Malaysia and South Korea.

    The Prachanda Path 2008

  • The language helps align the White House's agenda more closely with changes in the oil-rich Gulf states, which are investing heavily in education, infrastructure and social programs.

    Bush, on Mideast Trip, 2008

  • Finally, a weakening dollar could lead to more acquisitions by the cash-rich countries — China and the Gulf states — that arouse a political backlash in America.

    Beware The Weak Dollar 2007

  • If you look at what is taking place in the Gulf states -- we have talked about Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Bahrain, Qatar, those countries are actually moving in the direction of more and more freedom, more democracy, you know, on an evolutionary basis.

    CNN Transcript Mar 27, 2006 2006

  • In the Gulf states, the royal families own, control, influence a great deal on things.

    CNN Transcript Feb 23, 2006 2006

  • Dlamini-Zuma visited several Gulf states, including Oman, last

    ANC Daily News Briefing 2005

  • Iranian gains on the battlefield in 1981-82 and was followed by massive investment in both military hardware and, crucially, the military infrastructure of the Gulf states.

    ANC Daily News Briefing 1997


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